Three sisters in a rare on stage moment
This is a rare picture of the three Allgood sisters on stage together.
Annie Allgood (left), the youngest of the sisters acted in just three plays at the Abbey Theatre. Her elder sisters Máire O’Neill (Molly Allgood, right), Sara Allgood (centre) were the major stars of the day.
These two fascinating women created many of the iconic roles of Irish theatre. Máire O’Neill was the fiancé of J.M. Synge. He wrote the role of Pegeen Mike in The Playboy of the Western World especially for her. Sara Allgood created the role of Juno Boyle in Juno and the Paycock, Widow Quinn in The Playboy of the Western World. She acted in all three plays that opened the Abbey Theatre and was Lady Gregory’s favourite actress.