Aristocrats premiered on the Abbey stage in 1979 and toured to Belfast later that year.
This photograph was taken by Paul Moore, a technician for that touring production. It depicts the full creative team and the actors. Back row: Joe Dowling, director, far left, Paddy Rose, Carpenter, second from left, Brian Collins, Production Manager, third from left, Jim Colgan, Sound Design, fourth from left, John Kavanagh, Casimir, fifth from left, Kevin Mc Hugh, Tom Huffnung, second from right. We haven’t yet identified the man standing far right.
Second row: Geoff Golden, Father, far right on steps, Rhona Woodcock, Stage Director, front right, Liam Neeson, Eamon, centre, Derbhla Molloy, Alice, fourth from left, Bill Foley, Uncle George,third from left, Ingrid Craigie, Claire, second from left, Leslie Scott, Lighting Designer.
Front row: Kate Flynn, Judith, far left, Wendy Shay, Set Designer, second from left. We haven’t yet identified the woman seated in the front beside Wendy.
Stephen Rea played Eamon in the original production but in the subsequent revival on tour Liam Neeson takes that part. This was his first role with the Abbey company; having previously been a member of a visiting production with the Belfast Lyric Players.